Tuesday, January 1, 2013

God Given Goals

It's 2013!! Many people are making New Years Resolutions and setting goals for the coming year. I have to admit that I have made and failed to follow through on Many New Years Resolutions in my life. This year I am not making any, but I am setting a few goals for 2013. Some of them are goals to reach by my Birthday in March, I have a couple to reach by Summer Time and I have a couple to reach by the end of the year.

I'm not listing my goals in this blog but if anyone wants to know them I have no problem sharing. I created a spreadsheet to help me keep track of how I'm doing and I think that will help me remember each day that I need to do certain things if I am to have success with my goals.

As I was doing my Bible Study today I read Luke 19 and the story of Zacchaeus. There are several lessons to be learned in this story but today I was struck by the chance for a New Beginning that was given this man and the need to stay focused on God Given Goals. If you don't remember the story, let me paraphrase it for you:

Jesus was traveling through Jerico and Zacchaeus was one of many who wanted to get a glimpse of him. Zacchaeus was a very wealthy man, but not well liked. He had gained his wealth by cheating people as he gathered taxes from them. Tax collectors were considered to be the lowest of the low and no one wanted to be associated with them. But this tax collector had a desire to see Jesus. He was a short man and knew that it would be difficult to get a good look over the crowd so he ran ahead of the crowd, climbed up a sycamore-fig tree and waited to see this man who was causing a stir.

When Jesus arrived at the tree he shocked everyone by stopping and inviting himself to to the house of Zacchaeus. Many people thought Jesus was making a big mistake by eating with such a sinner as this Tax Collector. Jesus was ridiculed and his motives questioned, but He stayed focused on His Goals of coming "to seek and to save the lost" (verse 10). Of course, Jesus is God so He can stay focued, I'm a simple, sinful man, so I have an excuse for not following through with my goals, right? ;) I don't think so. I am amazed at the results of Jesus doing the Father's Will and ignoring the crowd; this dirty, rotten, cheating, theiving, low-down tax collector was changed and impacted lives by spending time with Jesus. His life was changed forever and he now had new God Given Goals.

It's amazing what happens when we truly spend time with Jesus and let His presence, power and peace affect our thinking and our way of living. This "Sinner" recognized his sins and truly repented of his wrong. How do I know he repented? Simple, He was changed. He didn't just say a few nice words, he went out and acted like a changed man. He paid back all that he had stolen, but not just what he stole, he gave back 4 times what he had stolen plus he gave half of his posseisions to the poor. Let me tell you, when a rich man gives away over half of his money and stuff, He has gone through a real change, real repentence, not just an emotional decision. This man was impacted and changed by his time with Jesus. As well it should be with all of us.

I am so thankful that God is giving me a second chance. A year ago I was making very selfish goals and looking for ways to cover up my sinfulness and selfishness. Through the course of 2012 God got my attention and began to draw me back. I'm still not perfect, but I'm climbing, I'm seeking and I'm accepting the invitation of Jesus to come into His presence each day. God has brought redemption, repentence and renewal to my life and I could never praise Him enough for this oportunity to Begin Again and go after the God Given Goals that I believe He has placed on my heart.

Where are you going in 2013? I hope you are on the journey toward God's Will for your life and not seeking selfish goals. His goals will not only lead to His Glory but to your satisfaction. I'm looking forward to what God will do this year and I pray that we will all take this new oportunity for a 2nd chance and stay focused on His Goals for us! God Bless!

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