Friday, February 22, 2013

Tolerance, Truth & Transformation

I have read several articles in the last few months that have challenged my thinking about issues that I thought were well understood in my worldview. A while back I read an article about a Pastor who reached out to Ted Haggard (Preacher/Evangelical Leader who was caught paying for homosexual activity). This pastor found himself challenged by a non-Christian who pointed out that Christians shoot their wounded so he reached out to and became friends with Ted Haggard, the outcast. I could write a whole blog about that because it made me aware of God's grace and restoration seeing Ted's wife fight for their marriage and the restoration of the man she loves and the man God loves. Regardless of your view on Ted's return to ministry, the story I read made me realize that God can forgive and change people. I know we, as Christians, claim to believe that, but I know what its like to be told that I've crossed a line and am beyond help. I also know what it is to feel unlovable, unforgivable and un-usable. Satan and Christians told me such things. My Non-Christian friends and The Word of God tells me that God is a God of forgiveness and love. Sure repentance is needed, but forgiveness is waiting when we do.

A couple of weeks ago I read an article written by a woman who was, at one time, a professor and author, teaching and writing about the rights of Gays & Lesbians. Herself a lesbian, she saw Christians as hateful and judgmental. A pastor befriended her and showed her the Love of Christ. He talked with her as a person and showed interest in her life. She became friends with he and his wife and even began to attend church and read the book that she hated and saw as an attack on her lifestyle. Through time she realized her need of a relationship with the God of the universe, repented and became a follower of Christ. She is today married to a Christian Pastor. 

Last night I was challenged by another article. Shane Windmeyer is a Nationally recognized LGBT leader in higher education, author & Executive Director of Campus Pride (A group designed to help and promote LGBT issues and students on college campuses.) He was instrumental in the boycott of Chic-Fil-A because of the beliefs of CEO, Dan Cathy when it came to Biblical (Traditional) Marriage. Shane tells the story of how Dan Cathy reached out to him and the two became friends. He admitted his fear of "coming out" as a friend of Dan Cathy and Chic-Fil-A, but his story is quite compelling. He makes it clear in the article that neither he nor Mr. Cathy have changed their views on homosexuality. However, he talks about the respect they show each other. He sees Dan in a different light, and vice-versa, because they got to know each other as people and friends instead of enemies who are attacking the world view of the other. 

In today's world we are being told that we need to be more tolerant. It seems to me, and other Christians with whom I have talked, that the only thing not tolerated today is the Christian faith and our right to voice our opinion. However, I think sometimes it is more the manner in which we voice our beliefs that get us into trouble. There's no doubt that the Bible teaches us that the world will hate us because it hated Christ first, (John 15:18) but sometimes we bring it on ourselves. The old saying that we are "hate the sin & love the sinner" makes for a good sermon but it's sometimes difficult to live out.

Here's the deal: Non-Christians, or even those who claim to be Christians but live lifestyles contrary to that confession, love to state that Jesus spent lots of time with Sinners. That is a true statement; He spent more time with his disciples though. But who did Jesus condemn the most? It was the religious people of the day. Notice that he spent time with sinners without condemning them while at the same time He drew them to Himself for the purpose of redemption. When Jesus spent time with sinners He didn't condone the sin; He called sin sin. He even died so that same sin, whichever one we are talking about, could be forgiven. He was Tolerant of the sinner because He knew they were living according to their sinful nature and could only be changed by the Truth of God's Word which, when accepted, will bring about Transformation through the power, love and forgiveness of God. 

Jesus was not Tolerant of Religious People who claimed to know God but lived in opposition to God by their actions and self-righteousness. Why? Because those who are in a relationship with someone have responsibilities that those outside of the relationship do not have.  Because Christ came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). He taught that the healthy don't need a doctor but the sick, and He came to call the sinner (Mark 2:17). He understands what so many, who show hatred for the sinner, don't seem to understand; the Love of God can change ANYONE! It was love for man, not hatred, and it was hatred for sin, not for man, that led Christ to the Cross and that caused him to cover our sin debt with His Blood. 

Whether we are talking about homosexual sin, adultery, fornication, pornography, rape, murder, theft, or any other sin we can name, it must be repented of and confessed to God. Christ died for us because He wants us to have fellowship and a real relationship with God Almighty. Should we tolerate sin in the church? No! Should we teach Truth without apology? Yes! Should we show the Love of Christ to those who do not know Him, accept them as they are as we point them to Christ in hopes of a Transformation? YES! To hate the sin and love the sinner is difficult for many, but it is the example of Christ. We must remember that, ONLY because of God's Grace and Forgiveness are we not All doomed to condemnation. I doubt yelling out that God hates someone is going to give them a desire to know God. Why would you want to know someone who hates you and wants you punished for things that you have never been taught are wrong? Our God loves the sinner and wants the best for all of us. 

In the three articles linked above, one was a professing Christian who had to come to grips with his own temptations & sins and seek God's forgiveness and redemption. Two of the people saw Christianity and Jesus as enemies of their lifestyle and as nothing more than hate mongers. Of the last 2, both were able to see some Christians and Christ in a different light, one ending in a relationship with God himself, the other coming away with a new respect while still disagreeing with the beliefs. Which method will demonstrate God's love and offer of redemption more? The method of the wackos at Westboro Baptist Church protesting military funerals, or those who chose to get to know people, show them respect and lead them to Christ instead of shout them to hell? I choose to follow the example of Christ and show Tolerance to the sinner, while teaching and demonstrating the Truth of God's Love so that HE might Transform lives.


  1. Absolutely amazing insights! Grace and forgiveness are huge in showing the love of Jesus. In fact, where would many Believers be if it weren't for grace and forgiveness of Jesus?

    When judgmental attitudes of people are embraced by Christians, a wall is built between them and an unbeliever. Our job should be to love people, no matter what, and let Jesus deal with their hearts...(while, in the process encourage and disciple others to live for Him)!

    Excellent post D!

  2. Thanks Bro! I see grammatical errors now that I re-read it but the overall message I think is good. I appreciate the feedback! Praying for you!!

  3. Amen my friend! To me, this is all summed up by two verses from John 1 that repeat the same theme.

    John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

    John 1:17 " For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

    Jesus is full of grace and full of truth, and He brings that grace and truth wherever He goes (including into our lives, thank God).

    Where we mess up is when we isolate grace and truth from one another. Those who would condemn Ted Haggard and say he's unfit to ever be used by God would proclaim they are speaking truth, but they have forgotten grace. Those who say Jesus hung out with sinners as if to say that means He was okay with sin believe they are teaching grace but they're ignoring truth.

    The truth, of course, is that there is no such thing. Truth without grace isn't really truth. Grace without truth isn't really grace.

    We must walk in both. Just as our Savior does.

    Great stuff bro.

  4. Thanks PT! I appreciate your insight. You are so right that Grace and Truth work together. I forgot that for a while and I'm so glad God is teaching me new stuff daily.
