Monday, March 25, 2013

The Past

What I'm writing about today is not new. Many quotes, sermons, motivational talks and books have been written about this subject and I realize that I "Should" have this down by now. Heck, I've even preached some pretty good sermons on this subject and had people tell me how much it helped them, yet I'm striving to learn and apply this again, today; Dealing with the Past.

I wrote a poem years ago after going through a difficult time and I still bring it up every once in a while but I'm not sure it conveys what I think it should. It is dark and depressing instead of bright and encouraging. But I'm still going to share it with you: :)

It comes and goes no warning to give
It will haunt you with the truth
It spins you around, turns you upside down
Leaves you begging for something new
When it's ended you think, it's gone
But only 'til remembrance comes
Will you be free from all who see

These things which you have done
If it's truly thrown into a bottomless pit
And becomes a forgotten task

How does it return, inside you burn
This thing we call our past.

The past can be harsh or it can be our greatest teacher. The difference comes from out attitude and outlook. The Apostle Paul said in his letter to the Philippians "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:13-14) I don't know about you, but for me the forgetting part is difficult at times. I think the idea is to keep moving forward regardless of past circumstances. Paul did some pretty bad stuff before meeting Christ and he went through some pretty scary stuff while following Christ, but he kept moving forward.

The Bible also tells us to remember the past. Speaking to the Church in Ephesus, Jesus said, "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first." (Rev 2:5) One lesson here is to help us not to continue making the same mistakes. Remember how good it can be when you are walking with Christ. Remember the lessons learned and do the good things that make a difference. Memory can be a blessing or a curse depending on how you allow it to affect you.

Lately I've found myself dwelling in the past and what might have been. I can see many things from my past that should teach me and guide me to be better. There are also things in past that make me cringe with embarrassment. I have lost things that I would love to have back; people, opportunities, possessions, etc., but they are all in the past and I don't know if those things would help or hinder my success in the future.

Sometimes we lose what we value as important but regardless of how great it was, when it’s gone, it’s gone. We then have to decide if we will dwell on the loss of the past or make the best of what we have while striving for what awaits us. Maybe there’s something better than what we thought was the best, if we don't miss it while dreaming about what's lost. Maybe what we have is better than what we lost but we are too distracted to notice how great it is. Maybe what was lost was not a great as we remember it. Regardless, the past is the past, we should learn from the lessons of the past, forget the useless things of the past and head into the future with expectation and determination that the greatness, or defeats, of the past will not keep us from the greatness, and successes, of what is yet to come. 

Yesterday I spent the day reflecting on the past and perceptions of the negatives that raced through my mind. This morning I woke up with a new desire to grab the future and make it better than the past. What will your tomorrow be? Mine is filled with possibilities and promises of a faithful God. So is yours if you'll look. Let's take on the future, leaving the past in the past. I know it's an old saying but when the enemy tries to remind us of past failures, let's remind him of his future and remember that our future is bright and filled with Hope!

God Bless!


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