Friday, April 26, 2013

Ant Hills & God

When someone kicks over an ant hill you see thousands and thousands of ants; and what are they actually doing? They are immediately rebuilding they're home and the place they truly belong. They work together to repair the damage to their home, to their lives. 

As Christians we all go down sometimes, we are all knocked over and we are all scattered, but what many don't realize is that we are not like the ants. God thinks we should act like ants and He wants us to start rebuilding our faith immediately, He wants us to turn back to him.


This was written by my son, Noah Nelms. I was tempted to add to it but I didn't because he said what needed to be said very well. He came to me last night with this idea that had hit him and I asked him to email it to me so I could post it on my Blog. I am so proud of the Godly young man he is becoming. Plus he makes me laugh like no one else. :)  
Leave some comments!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Noah! You should share this as a worship encouragement on a Wednesday night! Love it!
