Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Love Letter

Once I received a love letter from someone very special. It was the most-incredible letter I've ever read. For a long time, I would take it out every night and read it again, not believing that someone could love ME that much. At first I was a little afraid to respond. I wasn't sure what others would think about it. But so much passion filled this letter. I could sense the joy and pain that came from pouring out your heart and sharing something so personal with someone who had never really shown any real interest in you. Sure, we had conversations and we hung out when it was convenient or I had no one else to hang out with or everyone else was hanging out at the same place, but I never realized THIS was going on. I never realized that someone had me in their thoughts day and night. Never did I recognize that someone so amazing was always standing near me, just watching, listening and wanting to have an intimate relationship with me; until I read this letter. WOW!

So what did I do? Of course, I responded with enthusiasm and began a new relationship. The love was real, the desire to know more, to experience more and to spend forever together filled my head and heart. Everything was great in the beginning. We spent time together, lots of talking and special moments. I can't really pinpoint exactly when it happened or what event started the change. One day I realized that we hadn't talked in a while. It suddenly hit me how long it had been since I had made an effort to spend time together or talk about life or say, "I love you." The love was still there, but so many important things were happening in my life and time was precious. We had made a commitment together so I was sure that everything would be OK with time. Surely it could be understood that I'm a man with responsibilities and friends and I was spending most of my time helping others, so who could be upset that our time together was put on hold for a while?

Time passed and it was as if we didn't even know each other. I knew I hadn't changed, or so I thought. I was simply trying to do what makes me happy. I was working hard, doing good deeds and suddenly there was a distance between us, a broken relationship and I felt alone. Something had to be done, but I'm a man; I'm not about to go running back, begging someone to stay with me when I've got other choices. I'm a good man, deserving of more than I'm getting from this relationship. It must be over. Time to count our losses and move on to what's next. It's a common thing today and everyone will understand. We can still be friends, just not be intimate anymore. No big deal.

Then it happened. One night while I was down and out, feeling sorry for myself; I came across that letter again. I read it word for word and tears filled my eyes. The love was still there in that letter. Once again, I could sense the passion and desire that filled those pages. There was one promise that brought me to my knees. It was the promise to love me forever. Suddenly my mind was filled with memories of all of the times I chose to leave. All of the times I didn't say, "I love you." All of the times I created distance between us. It was I who had changed. It was I who had drifted away and failed to focus on the love we knew. This letter was so powerful and filled with love that it caused me to run searching for the one who could love me this much. I was determined to search for as long as it took, until I would be able to beg for a chance to renew our relationship.

My expectations were that it would take years to reverse the pain I had caused. I had no right to even ask for a second chance. I had caused too much embarrassment and pain to the one who loved me so purely. To my surprise, when I turned the corner, my love was standing there with arms open for me to experience that amazing embrace. Forgiveness was offered and love was shown in a way that I never thought possible.

If not for that love letter that I had let sit around in a drawer for years, I might have never realized the power of true love. I might have continued on my journey of selfishness and loneliness. Now I read that letter every day as a reminder, as a guide, as a source of hope when things seem bad. This love letter showed me how much I am loved and it shows me how I should love in return. Thank you Jesus for giving me the Bible to show me your love and to bring me back when I tried to leave. Thank you that your love never fails and your forgiveness knows no boundaries. I love you and your love letter.

True Story!